Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What is Kwaicore music?

About Kwaicore music

I have written this blog as a tribute to my love of music, and I am certain you are reading it for a similar one. Having studied music for 2 years, many of my mates tried to introduce me to this head-banging, mind-splitting sound which they called Hardcore music. Being the more lyrical content lover as I am, I was never quite swayed, until now. I finally came across a small yet majorly significant subgenre which is known as Kwaicore. Now if anyone knows a little about Kwaito music, I am sure it must be hard to imagine this trendy, funky and groovy beat being combined with the Hardcore scene. Well this blog is a short yet spectacularly life- changing look into this unknown realm about Kwaicore music.

Kwaito Meets Hardcore

Think Dj Mujava's groovy beats meets NOFX's hardcore punk satire. This unusual sound is stimulating both to the ear drums and the body.

Define the term genre: 

A genre is a group of music that shares the same qualities. For example, rock and pop music are both musical genres.

What is a subgenre?

Dictionary Definition of a subgenre: 
A subgenre is a category of a specific music genre. A lesser or subordinate genre. Some examples of subgenres include: Black metal subgenre, heavy metal subgenres, subgenres of rock, and punk subgenres.

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