Monday, April 1, 2013

Kwaicore Origin

A long, long time ago, I can still remember, how that music used to make me smile…

Okay so that’s American Pie, but you get the idea.

There was an outburst of music in the 1990’s in South Africa, where mainly Black artists used slowed down elements of the Euro-House music genre to create a new funky music genre now known as Kwaito. Meanwhile in America, many bands were already busy forming another music genre which today is known as Hardcore music (AKA Screamo). This genre developed out of punk-rock music, and by the 1990’s was already taking the country by storm.

Today however, in 2013, an intelligent dude from Cape Town wondered what a combination of these two genres would sound like. He had a major Brain Fart, and with the following “Poof” the creation of KWAICORE was born. I would just like to personally thank this guy for the greatest invention since that of Music itself.

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