Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kwaicore Trainee

Kwaicore Trainee

This girl has the right idea

Starting form the young age of only 8 years, this little music fanatic has the right idea. i have uploaded a video of her first ever hardcore song. I personally wish i started as young as her, and i hope that we see a Kwaicore video in the near future.

As the avid Kwaicore fan that i have become in the last few weeks, i have started appreciating different and weird styles of music. i have been listening to very strange genres such as:

Out of these Genres, the strangest and most interesting one has to be Hoomii. This is a genre of music known as Mongolian throat singing. This type of singing is entirely different to that of normal vocals in all songs that we know today. I have uploaded a video for your enjoyment.

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